
Sretni i veseli blagdani by Park skulptura Dubrova

Sretni i veseli blagdani by Park skulptura Dubrova
Na izmaku godine prisjećamo se brojnih trenutaka koje smo proveli s našim korisnicima, prijateljima i poslovnim partnerima. Bila je ovo vrlo bogata godina u Parku prošarana raznim događanjima od čega izdvajamo svečano otvorenje informativnog punkta Kocka koja je zasjala u punom sjaju nakon punih 20 godina!
Zahvaljujemo se našim partnerima Labin Rabac Tourist Board i Turistička zajednica općine Sveta Nedelja s kojima svakodnevno radimo od svibnja ove godine, a brojni zainteresirani posjećuju naš informativni centar kako bi dobili informacije i otkrili ljepote našeg kraja!
Važni infrastrukturni zahvat svakako je obilježio godinu u Parku, a to je sanacija dionica Bijele ceste koju financijski podupire Ministarstvo kulture i medija Republike Hrvatske, Grad Labin, Istarska županija – Regione Istriana te Općina Sveta Nedelja. Više mjeseci bavili smo se čišćenjem oko ceste i same ceste, nakon čega je uslijedilo popunjavanje fuga i zamjena razbijenih dijelova. Obnova ceste nastavlja se i naredne godine, a vjerujemo i da će amfiteatar Dolac doći na red!
Dolac je pak ugostio nekoliko raznih aktivnosti od već tradicionalnih poput klavirskog maratona, do solo koncerta Sandija Bratonje, kazališnih predstava i sadržaja za djecu, serije stand up komedija, kviza znanja, rođendanskih proslava, konferencija na otvorenom, gledanja zvijezda do meditativnih zvučnih kupki.
Održano je nekoliko protokolarnih i stručnih vodstava Parkom kako za organizirane posjete škola i vrtića tako i za zainteresirane grupe domaćih i stranih posjetitelja.
Monografija Mediteranskog kiparskog simpozija u pripremnoj je fazi te se uskoro očekuje završavanje sveukupne digitalizacije bogate arhive od nekoliko tisuća fotografija, skica, arhivske dokumentacije, tekstova i planova, plakata i minijatura skulptura koje svjedoče o važnosti kiparskog simpozija, ali i Parka u širem europskom području.
Iako zadovoljni učinjenim i postignutim uspjesima oko stabilizacije poslovanja udruge i njenog nastavka rada, kao i aktivnosti oko upravljanja Parkom, žalosti činjenica o kontinuiranoj devastaciji javne kulturne baštine u Parku, od skulptura do Bijele ceste i amfiteatra Dolac, koji je nedavno pretrpio značajni vandalizam, pa sve do stalnog i kontinuiranog bacanja smeća i čak dovoženja otpada u Park. Činjenica da se svakog jutra mora čistiti oko informativnog centra jer se stalno baca neko smeće (iako postoji kanta) dovodi do zaključka da lokalna zajednica jednostavno ne zna cijeniti to što ima?! Naša novogodišnja želja je da više čuvate Park i da kupite smeće za sobom!
Nadam se da će Djed Božićnjak uslišiti naše želje! (a netko i ozbiljno pročitati ovaj tekst i početi primjenjivati neke promjene u svojem ponašanju)
Želimo vam sretne blagdane, mir i ljubav!
At the end of the year, we remember the many moments we spent with our users, friends, and business partners. This was a very rich year in the Park, interspersed with various events, of which we single out the ceremonial opening of the Kocka information point, which shone in its full splendor after 20 years!
We would like to thank our partners Labin Rabac Tourist Board and Tourist Board of Sveta Nedelja municipality, with whom we have been working every day since May this year, and many interested people visit our information center to get information and discover the beauty of our region!
An important infrastructural intervention certainly marked the year in the Park, namely the restoration of sections of the Bijela cesta, which is financially supported by the Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Croatia, the City of Labin, the County of Istria – Regione Istriana and the Municipality of Sveta Nedelja. For several months, we were engaged in cleaning around the road and the road itself, which was followed by filling joints and replacing broken parts. The renovation of the road will continue next year, and we believe that the Dolac amphitheater will have its turn!
Dolac, on the other hand, hosted several different activities, from already traditional ones such as a piano marathon, to a solo concert by Sandi Bratonja, theater performances and content for children, a stand-up comedy series, knowledge quizzes, birthday parties, open-air conferences, stargazing and meditative sound baths.
Several protocols and expert-guided tours of the Park were held both for organized visits to schools and kindergartens and for interested groups of domestic and foreign visitors.
The monograph of the Mediterranean Sculptor Symposium is in the preparatory phase, and the overall digitization of the rich archive of several thousand photos, sketches, archival documentation, texts and plans, posters, and miniature sculptures that testify to the importance of the Sculptor Symposium, as well as the Park in the wider European area, is expected to be completed soon.
Although we are satisfied with the achievements made and achieved regarding the stabilization of the association’s operations and its continued work, as well as activities related to the management of the Park, the fact of the continuous devastation of the public cultural heritage in the Park, from the sculptures to the Bijela cesta and the Dolac amphitheater, which recently suffered significant vandalism, is saddening. The fact that every morning one has to clean around the information center because some garbage is constantly being thrown (although there is a bin) leads to the conclusion that the local community simply does not know how to appreciate what they have?!
Our New Year’s wish is that you take care of the Park more!
I hope Santa will grant our wishes! (and that someone will seriously read this text and start implementing some changes in their behavior)
We wish you happy holidays, peace, and love!